About US


Education that strengthens performance



Our qualified team is working on the development of management and modern technical competencies for individuals, groups and companies in various regions of the world through the latest technology available in the investment of time and resources available to our customers 


  1. Raise the performance level of productivity and efficiency
  2. Develop human capabilities and talents
  3. Reduce the cost of training courses
  4. Maximize the use of technology


  1. Professionalism: being dedicated to human agents and raise their theoretical and practical efficiency.
  2. Credibility: Focusing on procedures clarity and client’s transactions transparency.
  3. Responsibility: being responsible for raising the efficiency of the human agent.
  4. Creativity and excellence: preparing human potentials to take part in institution competition and devebpment.
  5. Renovation: Designing and developing our programs in line with the aspirations of our customers


We at Minaret Training & Consulting help companies to identify and nullify such profit leakages. Our team of experts analyze every aspect of your business to determine what the improvement areas are and how we can enhance the efficiency in an activity, which will result into an increase in productivity and in turn profitability for the company. Our common objective is to add value and generate wealth for the company. 


Needless to say, that we are business performance experts and not industry specialists. 

Which is why we take fresh look at your business to identify the opportunities and correct disconnects. 

Our team of experts analyze every aspect of your business to determine what the improvement areas are and how we can enhance the efficiency in an activity, which will result into an increase in productivity and in turn profitability for the company. Our common objective is to add value and generate wealth for the company. 

Target instructors are world-class experts. They are chosen from the best in the business and are carefully selected for their ability to explain advanced technology in a readily understandable manner. The course materials are updated frequently to reflect the latest developments and state-of-the-art technologies.

Our Distinction

  • All of our Training Manuals are carefully designed according to the organization’s actual needs through pre-study of needs.
  • Flexibility in programs implementation in terms of Date, Venue and fields.
  • Course materials are submitted to participants in Elegant Bags.
  • Flexibility in delivering the programs in more than one language.
  • Full course evaluation and after course follow-up.
  • Professional Team of Training Coordinators to maintain the needs and requirements of the participants.
  • Professional Team of highly qualified permanent Consultants within the Training Center.